Originally established in 2001, this website is devoted to the life and music of the Austrian composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Its primary intent is to provide a broad range of information for researchers, performers, and admirers. We additionally hope to promote and encourage performances and recordings of Korngold’s compositions, and to help advance research on his life and music. Some of the information on this website includes:
- Biographical information
- Details of Korngold’s compositional oeuvre
- A select listing of upcoming events
- New media releases (books, CDs, etc.)
- Resources for researchers
- Links to websites and institutions of related interest
- Retrospectives of select performances
We cannot, and do not, claim to be exhaustive in our presentations and postings. We do, however, attempt to cover the broad sphere and expanding recognition of Korngold’s musical legacy. We welcome comments and feedback from visitors and Korngold devotées.
Our website is founded, supported, and edited by independent Korngold researchers and enthusiasts. It has no association with any official past or current Korngold Societies.